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So first before I get into who I am I want to share what I do. In this case what my blog is. I created this blog for the reason of revealing human heroes who helped the world but was overlooked by history. When I say overlooked I mean every nook and cranny of the spectrum. This spectrum can range from “Oh yeah, I know that person, he or she created blank.” to “What! He or she created that! I never heard that name in my life!" This blog dives deeper into a person’s life so you know their passion and their motivation. This will also help you build up your motivation and help you find your own idols to look up to. So without further ado, oh wait sorry I forgot all about me!

My name is Shivam Srivastava. I am currently a 13-year-old that attends Cedar Crest Academy in Clarkston. Though I go to school in Clarkston I live in Grand Blanc, Michigan in the U.S. I live with my younger brother, mother, and father. My parents are originally from India but moved here because of job opportunities in 2001. When COVID-19 hit and I was stranded in my house with only my brother for entertainment I started thinking about exploring some new hobbies, before COVID my hobbies were collecting Pokèmon Cards (don’t judge), reading and playing basketball, but then my father introduced me to blogging. It seemed like a new fun thing to do. All I needed to do was something to write about. My inspiration came to me when I re-watched Zootopia. The movie itself was not what inspired me but the speech that Judy Hopps the protagonist in the movie says- “We all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try, So no matter what type of animal you are; from the biggest elephant to our first fox, I implore you - try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all of us.” This inspired me to find people who recognized that change. But what’s the fun in doing Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? It’s more interesting to find those hidden people on the overlooked spectrum. So now - for real - without further ado let’s flip a few pages in our history books and discover the uncelebrated people who shaped the world!

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